Here at Dr.Moose we do a number of practices to try to lessen our negative impact on the world and make things a little more thoughtful in terms of ethical practice and sustainability. Here are the main practices we have put into action at Dr.Moose:
AS Colour
Dr.Moose exclusively uses AS Colour blanks for all of our apparel as they are the market leaders in terms of high quality, ethically sourced and sustainable cotton. Some information from AS Colour about the Good Cotton initiative:
“As part of our wider ethos, it’s important to us that we source from ethical, sustainable suppliers. AS Colour is committed to improving cotton farming practices globally with Better Cotton. By partnering with BCI, we are part of a collective that is committed to improving social, environmental and economic outcomes for the industry we are a part of. Better Cotton is sourced via a system of mass balance, which means Better Cotton is not physically traceable to end products, however Better Cotton farmers benefit from the demand for Better Cotton in equivalent volumes to those we source.”
Better Cotton Initiative works with on-the-ground partners across the world to support cotton communities to build resilience and improve their livelihoods, with a big focus on women’s equality within the cotton farming community and in some cases gaining economic independence and or leadership roles.
Slow Fashion and Minimal Waste
Here at Dr.Moose we print all of our products in house at our shop in Byron Bay, Australia. We use a DTG Direct-to-garment Printer, that allows us to print our shirts to order. This means minimal waste, no overstocking and no mass production items. Everything is printed by us, on location, and either hung up in our rack in store for customers to browse, or to be posted out for an online order.
Hero Packaging : Compostable Postage Satchels
These satchels are everything! The compostable packaging material easily breaks down when it is buried in soil or disposed of in a compost bin. During break down, the materials do not emit any harmful toxins and quickly convert into rich compost, which we have been using for our plants.
Our postage satchels come with a second sticky strip at the opening, so when you open your Dr.Moose package, you can snip it open at the top and then reuse and reseal it for another item you may want to post.
Paper Bags
We said Yeah Nah to plastic bags 3 years ago and haven’t looked back since! All of our bags are made from recycled paper, and look rather dashing even if we do say so ourself!
Things we are working on….
As you can see, we are really trying the best we can to reduce waste and make as little negative impact as we can on our wonderful little planet. However, there are things we are working on to reduce our impact further. We are looking into more environmentally friendly inks for our printer (there are some water based ones on the market but we need to do some testing), and reducing plastic in our everyday work like. Things such as using paper/plant based tapes instead of sellotape are on the shopping list.
Thanks for reading and coming on our Sustainability journey!
with love,
Dr.Moose xoxo