When we're not sat in front of Photoshop coming up with new designs, printing up customs for our awesome customers, down the pub having a cold frothy, or hanging with mates, you'll pretty much ALWAYS find us down the local beach with our faithful 'Moosecot' (I couldn't help myself, ok?!) , Moose the Golden Retriever, tryin' to catch a big one for dinner!

No matter rain or shine, you'll find us attempting to GET THE DOG (our mate Matty still brags about his 1m Flatty to this day..), catch a good feed of Whiting and Bream for some badboy spicy crumbed fish tacos, or on a full moon, high tide, night hunt for the elusive Jewy (sorry, Mulloway). Had a few runs, but never hauled the beast in! Design your own shirts online!
It's out on these fishing trips we get some mad ideas for shirts, and are currently working on a great Fishing range for those with the same inclination.
“There’s a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot.” – Steven Wright
Too true Stevo!